sisterhood spotlight: Emmie Thompson's presidential experience
Emmie Thompson served as the Student Body President for the University of South Carolina from March 2023 to March 2024. She is a senior from Lexington, South Carolina in the South Carolina Honors College and the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, with minors in Economics and Business Administration. When Emmie was in the second grade, she wrote that it was her dream to come to the University of South Carolina and be a “real gamecock.” Her long-time love for the University led her to be passionate about bettering the student experience, which she believes dominoes from individual on-campus life to their potential community-wide impact. She used her time in Student Government as an outlet to serve within her means and enjoyed establishing tangible change during her term. She was kind enough to give us an inside look at what her experience looked like during her presidential term and her time in ADPi.
What was your most memorable experience as president?
"It’s so hard to pick just one thing because I loved the entire experience! However, three key things stand out to me. First, was getting to improve gameday safety for students.
We were able to have portable chargers installed in the student section of Williams Brice Stadium and implement a Gameday Uber Discount which will offer students a discount for every home football game in 2024.
I also was incredibly honored to get to speak at the university’s 60th anniversary of desegregation, alongside the first African American students to enroll at the university. It was a powerful event showcasing how far our university has come and unveiled a monument that is to be erected in those students' honor on the Horseshoe this month.
The best part of the job, though, were the people. I loved getting to meet so many students from across campus, hearing their problems, and offering the best help that I could. One of my favorite ways of doing this was through Hibachi in the Horseshoe, where my dad and I cooked teriyaki chicken and fried rice to pass out to students on Greene Street as a part of my “office hours.” I had the opportunity to meet students on and off campus and got incredibly close to other members of Student Government, all of who made the late nights and crazy times worth it!"
How did ADPi impact your campaign?
"I would have never had the courage to run for such a position without the support of ADPi. Being a part of a group of intelligent and caring women always encouraged me to make a difference in the lives of those around me and never sell myself and my potential short. So many sisters came out to support me, be it through tabling events during campaign season, Instagram story posts, or hanging out at the launch party (which we had at the Pi Palace), and have continued to uplift me throughout my entire term. I could not have asked for a better support system or sisterhood."
What has your biggest challenge been as president?
"Serving as Student Body President is no easy feat, and you often have to balance wearing 3 different hats: president of the organization, University representative, and student advocate. Making sure I was always prioritizing being a voice for students' needs was a consistent challenge but I enjoyed the effort it took to make sure students' concerns were always heard at a higher level. With such a large student body, it was often tough to make sure students knew what was being done on their behalf or why the university was making certain decisions. It was certainly a learning curve to figure out how to best communicate with students and best advocate for their needs."
What legacy are you hoping to leave as you graduate this year?
"I hope to leave behind a legacy of a commitment to service. I truly believe that we are all called to make a difference right where we are and that is what I hoped to do during my time as a student. Following through with promises was my priority, and I hope I can be remembered as someone who followed through with what they said they were going to do and worked hard to the very end to make someone else’s day a little better."
What prior leadership experiences led to your success in this position?
"Prior to running for Student Body President, I held several other leadership positions on campus. I served in Student Government as the Deputy Chief of Staff for the Student Body President from 2022-2023 and as the Secretary of Campus Relations on the Executive Cabinet from 2021-2022. I also enjoyed serving as the Ronald McDonald House Specialist in ADPi and formerly the Operations Specialist."
What advice do you have for incoming freshmen wanting to join Student Government?
"I highly recommend to any freshman to get involved with an organization where you can pour back into the community around you and meet other students. I find that Student Government is one of the best service outlets for this! There are various ways you can join the organization as a freshman: Freshman Council, Cabinet Committees, Government Relations Lobbying agencies, and Vacant Senate Seats. Freshman Council is the first opportunity to join Student Government, as the application opens this summer! However, it is not the only way to join. Keep an eye on the Student Government page of Garnet Gate and check the UofSC Student Government social media pages for other applications. It’s also not uncommon to join as upperclassmen so I highly recommend any student who is interested to pursue getting involved!"
We are so proud to have such an inspiring leader as a member of Beta Epsilon! Thank you for all of your work towards bettering the lives of students at this university, Emmie! We can’t wait to see what you do as a Pi member!