Hey y’all!

I’m Anna and I am the Director of Primary Recruitment this year for ADPi. It still feels surreal to say, as it seems like yesterday that I was going through rush my freshman year. Now, 2 years later, I can confidently say that going through recruitment was my best decision of college thus far. Maybe even one of the best decisions of my life!! I couldn’t be more thrilled for you to be entering this incredible stage of your life. As exciting as it is, I completely understand that you might be anxious for the unknown. I have always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. My favorite quote has always been “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” by Maya Angelou. I believe it is so important to remind yourself of both of these throughout your recruitment experience. If you are your authentic self, you will find the place that is best for you - a home where you can be surrounded by friends that lift you up, encourage you to be your best self, and share similar values. I believe in each and every one of you, and whether ADPi becomes your home or not, I am so happy you are choosing to go through recruitment.
Throughout the rest of this blog post are pieces of advice and personal experiences from members of our Recruitment Team. Each and every person on my team are incredible role models and truly inspire me. I hope their words will give you insight and peace going into August!
Have an amazing rest of your summer, we can’t wait to see y’all in only a few weeks!
With love,
Anna Holland
Why did you decide to Go Greek?
Gardener DiVenere: I decided to Go Greek because I wanted to find friends like I had back home. My hometown friends were always by my side, through all of the ups and downs and they are what made leaving for college so hard for me- I knew I needed to find best friends in my new home away from home that would do the same!
Ellison Kate Fox: I grew up with two brothers and I have always wanted a sister type bond! Also, I always heard about the amazing friendships that have come out of being in a sorority, and I wanted a chance to experience that.
Olivia Vonderhaar: I decided to join a sorority because I knew I wanted to be a part of something that was bigger than myself! I wanted to be a part of a community of strong women that I could become friends with, learn from, and create memories while contributing to something greater than ourselves.
What made ADPi stick out to you during recruitment?

Lindsay Anne McCall: I could tell that the conversations with the girls in ADPi were most similar to my friends at home. They were all meaningful conversations to me, and I could tell that ADPi had some of the most genuine, kind, and positive girls. This chapter truly made an amazing impression on me and was always a chapter I was excited to talk to in future rounds.
Gardener DiVenere: ADPi stuck out to me during recruitment because of how easy the conversations flowed. I never felt like I had to be anything but myself and I always left ADPi feeling like I had so much more I wanted to talk about, even if it was pointless. The girls were so easy to connect with and I felt like they genuinely were interested in me and what I had to say!
Emma Cureton: ADPi stood out to me during recruitment because of the welcoming faces and friendly girls I talked to throughout the entire process. I felt the most comfortable talking to the girls in ADPi and they made me feel at home!
Who stood out to you during recruitment that made you want to go ADPi and why?
Ellison Kate Fox: I was lucky enough to talk to Gracie Smith during rush. Talking to her felt so easy and it reminded me of my best friends from home. I knew I needed to go ADPi because at the end of all of my conversations, I did not want to stop talking to the girls!
Ally Robinson: Natalie Watson is the reason I went ADPi. She helped me work through every conflicting emotion I was feeling during Sisterhood round without swaying me in a particular way. She’s the reason ADPi felt so real, and the reason I ran home to my sisters.
Gracie Smith: My big, Addi, who is now graduated, talked to me during recruitment and she made me feel so unique and special even though I knew she was talking to so many girls. She cared about what I had to say, and I knew we would be such good friends. She has supported me through all of college and I don’t know what I would do without her.
If you could go back, what’s the biggest piece of advice you would tell yourself?

Erin O’Kane: I would tell myself to not stress as much and try to enjoy the process! I ended up exactly where I am supposed to be, and I am so thankful! I would also tell myself to not listen to what other people had told me about the chapters going into the process and form my own opinions without that influence.
Emma Cureton: I would tell myself to relax and not let myself become overwhelmed by the little things. The process is designed to place each girl in their home, and I truly believe in trusting the recruitment process. I would go into every house with an open mind and try not to be biased towards any house. Present yourself well but don’t make yourself anyone you are not!
Julia Philips: My biggest piece of advice would be to take a deep breath and relax. Everything works out the way it’s supposed to, so trust the process!
What was your favorite part about recruitment?
Erin O’Kane: My favorite part of recruitment was my pi chi group! I met my best friend the first day of rush, and we had so much fun just hanging out and doing the activities with the group! I also loved my pi chi leaders, and I still keep in contact with one of them regularly!
Ally Robinson: My favorite part about recruitment is always Preference Round! There is something so special about this last round of recruitment. As a PNM, this is where I knew ADPi was my home, and as a recruiter, it makes me fall in love with Alpha Delta Pi all over again.
Emma Cureton: My favorite part about recruitment was watching the videos that each house made for sisterhood. These really stood out to me and helped me to narrow down the houses that stood out to me. I enjoyed how each house made a different video and displayed both the fun stuff and the meaningful moments that sisterhood means to them.
What are some things that helped you stay positive and open-minded throughout the process?

Gardener DiVenere: All of the new girls I was meeting were helping me to stay positive and open-minded. Everyone fed off of each other's excitement and that is what got me through all of recruitment! It was so fun to see and hear about everyone's experiences..and how it truly does all workout for the best!
Ally Robinson: Taking notes after each round and having 10 minutes of quiet time to really settle my thoughts helped me so much when I was going through. Talking things through with my Pi Chis also helped me sort through my anxiety and continue on with full certainty I was making the right choice for me.
Emma Cureton: Something that helped me stay positive and upbeat during the recruitment process was taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. I struggled with thinking that I had to be in a sorority and that was my only option. This is not a good way to think, and it added unnecessary stress and negativity to the process. Once I was able to take a step back and look at the process as a whole, I was able to realize that this should be fun! I was able to talk to so many different girls and really find what values I held close to my heart. I learned a lot about myself during the process and ended up right where I belong!
To stay up to date with us and all things Fall 2022 recruitment, follow @adpisouthcarolina and @uofscpanhellenicrecruitment on Instagram! The one-month countdown is on, and we are more excited than ever!