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New Year, New Goals

Emilie Blanchard/ Mary-Kathryn Raley

It’s that time of year again! The one where we all set new goals for ourselves hoping they will magically transform ourselves into the health/ fitness gurus we’ve always wanted to be. Unfortunately, our goals usually don’t go as planned especially with many college students on the go lifestyles.

To help us at least stay on track with some of our New Years goals, I have asked Emilie Blanchard, creator/ owner of Tasty As

Fit and former ADPi , to share some tips and tricks for college students. Recipe developer, entrepreneur and influencer, Emilie is well versed in anything health, fitness and overall well-being. Whether you are looking to set new goals for yourself in 2020 or solely want to maintain a well balanced life, I hope you find yourself adopting some of Emilie’s tactics.

How to stay motivated while busy with our school work & social lives

EVERYONE gets unmotivated. It is a part of being human and you should never feel shame for it.We all go through periods where we feel extremely motivated to get to the gym and set our alarms for 6 am or to meal prep and stock our refrigerators with mainly fruits and veggies. And then we all experience those periods where life gets in the way and we don’t think we have the time or energy, and we would much rather lay on the couch for a binge session than worry about getting to a workout class. Well the change happens in THOSE times. Showing up for yourself when your mind is telling you not to. That is when the mental shift happens and habits begin to form. If you can show up for yourself mentally, your physical body has no choice.

I like to always say consistency is key. Your “workout” does not need to be an hour every single day in the gym. Allow those days for walks with friends, 10-minute ab series, or a long stretch session to get your endorphins active. In college, you are BUSY, but if you can start these small habits now, it will be so much easier for you to “find the time” when you enter into the workforce one day.

How to maintain a healthy diet even if you are on a meal plan

This one is tricky when you aren’t the one preparing the meals, but there is always something! I

remember utilizing our salad bar during this chapter of my life. I would make a huge salad first , tons of greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers etc and I would typically use my own dressing! That way I knew I was getting in all the good stuff and it would help me keep my portions controlled for anything else we were having. We were able to talk our chef into always having a roasted vegetable and roasted sweet potatoes available at every meal and that made it super easy too. If having open communication with your chef is something you think could work, try it out! When you need a change up, come see us at Tasty As Fit! So many great options to have for a meal or meal addition!

Favorite Workouts:

I LOVE any type of pilates/barre/megaformer classes for my strength training with light/medium weight. I have always gravitated towards body weight exercises and love cardio, but to challenge myself (my mind and my body) I do one heavier weight exercise a week.

How to get the most out of time constricted workouts

Put your phone away, turn off the TV, put on some good music, and give that 10 / or 20/ or 30 minute workout your full mind and body. If you are trying to squeeze in a 15 minute run, challenge yourself with a few sprints to lose your breath and get your endorphins going. Do NOT stress about calories burned in your workout, it will end up sabotaging your mental state. You should leave every workout, whether 10 minutes or an hour, feeling like a better version of yourself.

When you need a quick pick me up or even a whole meal go visit Emilie at her store Tasty As Fit!

3001 Millwood Ave, Columbia, SC 29205


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