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How to Stay Balanced in College

Isabella Minson

As a PNM going through the ADPi house, I couldn’t help but be amazed at all the organizations that these girls are part of and all sorts of ways that they contribute on campus and in their communities. In high school, I was really involved and wanted to make sure that coming into college I would surround myself with people who would continue to push me to be my best and to achieve the goals I set for myself. I have always strived to add value to the organizations I am part of rather than just being a member in them, but this was easier in high school when each thing required less commitment. Coming to college forced me to first evaluate what activities and groups were most important to me because time is limited, and each activity requires greater commitment than those in high school.

Girls in ADPi have been so supportive of everything that I have done at USC. I’ve joined the executive boards of Green Greeks and Delta Sigma Pi (business fraternity), along with serving as the Finance Vice President (AR) of ADPi. I am also part of the Gamecock Consulting Club and the Darla Moore Student Ambassadors program and have an internship in Columbia. Through all this, I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle (which is easy with the yummy salad bar at the house and GroupX class passes from Strom) and of course I keep up with my classes! I have had the privilege of being 1 out of 23 sophomores in the United States to accept an internship this summer with Wells Fargo as a financial analyst, I have been selected for the rigorous Carolina Finance Scholars Program in the fall, and I will be studying abroad for a whole semester next spring! I could not imagine that I would have grown this much in just two years without the girls in this sorority and their constant encouragement.

Since I enjoy being very involved, I have had to learn how to balance my schedule, classes, and social life around different things that I can’t always plan for (100% recommend using a Google Calendar). However, make sure that you don’t just join clubs to add them to your resume (because like everything, that starts over in college too). Find things that you are genuinely passionate about- for me that’s sustainability and finding communities of people who are ambitious and always seeking self-improvement whether through social, professional, or physical development. It’s important to test everything out and explore early on in your college career so that you can fully take advantage as well as hopefully give back to whatever you love to do.

To stay on track this summer, I took a Maymester course called Business in Europe to four countries in Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and Czech Republic) and basically received 3 credits for travelling around with 17 other college students- a great time as you could imagine. I am also taking an online class that applies to my supply chain major so that I won’t have to take it in the fall when I go back to Columbia.

There are so many opportunities at USC and it can be easy to get overwhelmed, especially at the organization fair on Greene Street in the first few weeks of school. Always make sure to take a step back, breathe, take you time in whatever way that may be, and just reset. Find girls in your dorm, sorority, classes, etc. (everyone is trying to make friends so don’t be afraid to approach people and introduce yourself!) that have similar interests or career goals, and 9 times out of 10 they will be involved in something that is helping them better themselves which might be of interest to you too.

Finding a balance in all of this and managing your time well is absolutely key to success in college in whatever you want to do. It is 100% possible to play a sport, join a sorority, sing in a choir, get involved with different clubs, have a job, you name it; if you use your time right. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something,

or that you don’t have time for something. They could be right, but don’t take no for an answer because you will learn along the way and probably prove them wrong. No matter what, remember to thank the people who help you out on your path (because there will be a lot) and do what makes you content at the end of the day.

You are capable of doing AMAZING things, and don’t stress if everyone seems like they know what they are doing because nobody has a clue; the incredible girls in ADPi have made me realize that we are all just trying to figure life out together and will support each other through the failures and celebrate the successes, no matter what.




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