smu recruitment recap!
Two weeks ago, a few of our Beta Epsilon girls headed to Southern Methodist University in Dallas to help recruit girls for the first ever Alpha Zeta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi! They worked alongside Clemson, Georgia and Florida State ADPI to help SMU get an amazing first alpha class to begin building their chapter.
Hear about their experiences:

"When Beta Epsilon was invited to participate in recruitment at SMU and to help establish the Alpha Zeta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at Southern Methodist University, I immediately knew we had to be a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity! This experience truly showed how as ADPi’s, we are truly a part of something bigger than ourselves and the meaning of our sisterhood. While spending time with the ADPi’s from the other chapters we immediately bonded and joked that we would all be best friends if we went to the same school. We then realized that we really would be because we all are ADPis and share a sisterhood that expands beyond our own individual chapters. This is something that we excitingly shared with many of the PNMs we talked to during ADPi’s Open House Round. We may all be from different schools, but we all are sisters and share a bond that is so special, thanks to ADPi. That bond is something they too can share with us by finding their home in ADPi." - Meredith Hewitt (President)

"Being asked to recruit at Southern Methodist University alongside my sisters from various chapters was a huge honor. It was such a special experience to see women with similar values and goals come together. It was even more special to be able to all work together towards an even bigger common goal- recruiting the first class of women for the first ADPi chapter at SMU! We met women from all over the country and they were all very engaged and excited to see ADPi on their campus!! It was an amazing experience, and I am so privileged to say that I was a part of the first ADPi chapter coming to Southern Methodist University in 30 years! I am so excited to watch this chapter flourish!" - Gardner DiVenere (Senior ADPI)

"This was such an incredible opportunity!! We had the best time with our friends from other chapters (UGA, Clemson, and FSU)! We’ll never forget the experience we had to help start the Alpha Zeta chapter! It was awesome to see what life at SMU is like. I know our chapter also gained valuable insights to bring into recruitment in the fall! It was amazing how we could all work together and become one team even being from different colleges. It shows how powerful the ADPi sisterhood is!" - Anna Holland (Senior ADPI)