While you're gearing up for sorority rush (yay, we can't wait!) - we thought it would be fun to share with you how some of our sisters are spending their summer!

Rosie Cline joined ADPi in 2020 and is currently doing a summer internship in New York City in Manhattan!
“I am interning for Otis Elevators within their sales department. I get to shadow a full time staff member and learn about the exciting sales industry. Because I am in NYC, I get the opportunity to go to a bunch of cool buildings to see their elevators and work with customers. Some buildings that I have gotten behind- the-scenes views from are: the Empire State Building, Goldman Sachs, the edge in Hudson yards, and so many more!”
Kat Vinson, PC 21, is another ADPi getting a jump on her career by interning at a large company this summer!
“I am in Atlanta, GA for the summer interning with Brown and Brown Insurance! I have been learning more about the insurance field, making new connections, filing documentation, etc! We have been able to attend Brave games, try so many new lunch places, and I attended a work pickleball tournament!

Here are some other learning opportunities our sisters are taking advantage of on the fly!

Morgan Weiner
Morgan, PC 22, is studying abroad in London with the Criminal Justice program and is also doing an internship with the Governor’s office in Columbia, SC.

Rachel Buckner
Rachel, PC 21, is a Nurse extern at MUSC in Florence, SC
gaining invaluable experience.

Amelia Hathaway
Ameilia, PC 21, went abroad in the Maymester Honors program studying the Golden Age of Spain and Portugal: History and Culture. Amelia visited Lisbon, Portugal, and Seville and Madrid, Spain!

Meg David
Meg, PC 21, is doing an internship in Atlanta, GA at the Sunbelt Baseball League.

Francesca Cumello
Francesca, PC 22, is studying abroad in both London, England and Dublin, Ireland.

Anna Holland
Anna, PC 20, completed a Maymester through Darla Moore School of Business studying Marketing in Italy!
We can’t wait to hear all the exciting stories from our sisters when we get back to USC!