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Dear PNMs,

Ashley Kate Smith

Dear PNMs,

The time has finally come and I hope you are as excited as I am! My name is Ashley Kate Smith and I am the Director of Primary Recruitment for Alpha Delta Pi. I honestly knew little to nothing about greek life and what sorority recruitment was like when I was a PNM, however I fell in love with the process as soon as it started. Recruitment pushed me out of my comfort zone to meet new people and learn more about myself. The past two years I have met so many amazing people and when I had the opportunity to be the Director of Primary Recruitment for Beta Epsilon I knew I had to do it!! I cannot believe that we are just weeks away from recruitment. It is truly one of the most special experiences you will ever have, and I would do anything to be back in your shoes getting ready for the best four years of your life. We are so excited to meet you and cannot wait to show you what ADPi is all about. ADPi felt like home for me. Every conversation I had was effortless and for a moment I felt like I was back home in Maryland hanging out with my friends. Every time I left the house I had the biggest smile on my face knowing ADPi was the place for me.

This year has been a roller coaster ride, with so many ups and downs. With the COVID Pandemic we have had to make many changes, one of them being the recruitment process. It is so important right now for you to feel supported and loved, and we cannot wait for you all to find your homes! ADPi is built on leadership, sisterhood, service, scholarship, and we sure do have a lot of love to go around! Changes are inevitable, but this sisterhood has kept me grounded. I now have nearly 400 sisters to lean on and support me. ADPi has not only given me some of my best friends, but it has also shaped me into the strong confident leader that I am today. I cannot wait for you to experience the overwhelming love and support that greek life offers.

Just remember to have fun, smile, laugh and be yourself. Go out of your comfort zone and meet new people. Don’t take yourself too seriously and trust the process! It is such a mix of emotions but is all worth it once you run home on Bid Day!! We cannot wait to see all of your bright smiling faces so soon!!

Pi Love,

Ashley Kate Smith

Director Of Primary Recruitment


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